
Welcome to Emma Grace. Enjoy my blogs about travel, life and food. Feel free to get in touch via emmagraceinfo@yahoo.com


My Favourite Podcasts

My Favourite Podcasts

I'll admit that the podcast bug has been slow to bit me. I'm a reader, always have been always will be. Like my mum, I constantly have two or three books on the go at any one time, and all my free time is taken up by reading. So where was my time for podcasts?

Turns out I was wasting all my bath times. And every time I was in the car listening to (but not really listening to) the radio. So when I eventually got into podcasts, I managed to squeeze way more into my day than I ever thought. Result!

This is a list of my favourite podcast's right now. They're all genres and types, but a few cheeky travel ones are up there in my favourites.

  1. Zero To Travel. This one is my main inspiration. Jason, the creator, interviews so many amazing people about their experiences and travel tales that inspire all of the wanderlust.
  2. Filler. I've been listening to these guys from the start, and absolutely love what they do. Hosted by Harry Hitchens and Matt Shore, the guys interview everyone you didn't know you wanted to listen to from the creative industries. Blogger's, You Tuber's, Instagrammer's, Photographer's. You name it, the coolest of the cool are on the show. I downloaded a bunch for a flight recently, and hardly moved the entire time.
  3. Make It Happen. Another creative industries podcast hosted by Jen Carrington. Some really interesting stories from people who have started businesses and created brands. I've found this podcast super useful for getting inspired and focused on the days when I just don't know what I'm doing!
  4. You Must Remember This. Okay this one is my not-so-guilty pleasure. The passion project of Karina Longworth tells the stories of Hollywood past, exploring the myths , scandals and insane stories of what went on way back in the day. I'm obsessed. Perfect for lazy Sunday afternoons!
  5. Extra Pack of Peanuts. The EPOP podcast is where I go for tips and tricks to travel better (and cheaper). Travis Sherry is the awesome creator, who interviews everyone on the travel circuit who knows a thing or two. I LOVE this podcast!

There are so many amazing podcasts out there, there's just no time to listen to them all. I tend to save them all for a long flight, or some down time. I'm always looking for more, so if you know any I should be checking out please let me know! Especially if it's travel related.

The Long Haul

The Long Haul

Lime and Coconut loaf

Lime and Coconut loaf