
Welcome to Emma Grace. Enjoy my blogs about travel, life and food. Feel free to get in touch via emmagraceinfo@yahoo.com


2020 Travel List

2020 Travel List


Since this year I’ll be turning the big 3-0 (wah), instead of my usual list of travels for the year, I’ve decided to make sure every month I do something fun. It doesn’t have to be travel to a foreign country. It doesn’t even have to be travel based. This year I will do something every month that’s a little bit different for me.

My list isn’t complete yet, but so far here’s what I have planned for 2020:

January: I’m off to Paris with a friend from work. It’s neither of our first times, so we’re hoping to spend a few days drinking wine, shopping and taking photos! Paris is one of my favourite places, and wandering aimlessly around all the little cobbled streets of Montmartre never gets old (I think it’s called the art of flaneur).

February: No solid plans yet, but I’m hoping to take a calligraphy class. It’s something I’ve always fancied learning. and a new skill is always useful to have - even if I just use it in my bullet journal!

March: Not sure yet!

April: Not sure yet!

May: At the end of May I’ll be heading to Mykonos. I’ve been to a few Greek islands now, and I’m excited to add Mykonos to the list! I’m going to stay at the seriously cute Hotel Hermes. From what I’ve heard, I’m in for either serious romance (probably not since I’m going with my cousin), or a serious party. I’m hoping for the second - hit me up with any bar recommendations!

June: Not sure yet!

July: Edinburgh is one of my favourite places in summer. The crowds aren’t as insane as they are during the Fringe and Christmas market time, and there’s so much to do. I’m a loyal west coaster, but love going through to Edinburgh once or twice a year to shop and wander around. This time I'm going to head to Leith - somewhere I’ve never been! - but will still be staying in my favourite, Tigerlily

August: August is my birthday month - again, wah - and I’m going to mark it/mourn my twenties at a spa. Can you tell I’m not taking this whole ageing thing well? I’m hoping to go to the Caudalie Spa in Bordeaux for a few days - who could resist the combo of amazing food, wine and spa treatments??

September: Not sure yet!

October: Not sure yet!

November: My big trip for the year is hopefully going to be Stateside. The original plan was to hit New York, Las Vegas and then have a week in Mexico to chill out and relax in the sun. I’m thinking of skipping NYC now (I’d want to do too much) and going to New Orleans or similar for a few days. I don’t have solid plans yet, need to clear some space on the old visa first!

December: Not sure yet!

I have a feeling that my ‘not sure yet’ months will be filled up with experiences I can have at home rather than any more trips away - unless I win a competition, I’ll be totally rooked paying all the trips I have planned already! I would really like to take some kind of candle making class, and I’m planning on signing up to Skillshare to see if there’s anything on there that takes my fancy. I already have my eye on an SEO course, and would love to learn a little more of Italian or French. Always looking for new ideas!

All in all, my 30th year shouldn’t be too bad. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still not happy about leaving my 20’s, but I’ll definitely be going out with a bang.

Beauty Empties 1

Beauty Empties 1

Afternoon Tea at Blythswood Square Hotel

Afternoon Tea at Blythswood Square Hotel